Hackley Library Mon - Tues 9:00a - 7:00p | Wed - Sat 9:00a - 5:00p
Sun / Closed
Torrent House Tue - Sat 9:00a - 5:00p
Sun - Mon / Closed
Hackley Library Mon - Tues 9:00a - 7:00p | Wed - Sat 9:00a - 5:00p
Sun / Closed
Torrent House Tue - Sat 9:00a - 5:00p
Sun - Mon / Closed

Events Calendar

Virtual Program
Christmas Cookie Traditions with Food Historian, Sarah Wassberg Johnson (virtual Zoom) TONIGHT, Tuesday, December 7, 6:00 pm – To enjoy the program, visit the link below at around 6pm!  Free.   Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89709251898?pwd=K0YrR3YwVUJWdTJDSzNMQXl2YkQ3UT09 Meeting ID: 897 0925 1898 Passcode: 775318   “Koekje, Cooky, or Cookie? A History of American Christmas Cookies” Why do...
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Great Lakes Ghost Hunters of Michigan will present findings from their investigation at Hackley Public Library and Torrent House, during a virtual Zoom program on October 22! Team members will show and explain the technology they used during their visit, show video footage of their investigation, and then set aside some time at the end...
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To enjoy this virtual Zoom program, click the Zoom link below at around 6pm tonight (October 29)!   Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82364075200?pwd=ejVEaE16UUVlL3BkYnNQcXd0VEVlQT09   Meeting ID: 823 6407 5200 Passcode: 116842   Come face to face with the malefactors who stained the pages of Michigan history with blood spatter: The Killer Dentist, a Grand Rapids native...
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May is just around the corner! Hackley Library is celebrating Mental Health Month with a series of virtual programs honoring mental health, including a Yin Yoga class, a Mental Health Q&A, an Art Therapy program, and a Music & Well-Being session! Registration is now open for all of these virtual programs. For details or to...
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What’s It Worth – Virtual Appraisal Program 6 pm, Wednesday, April 14 Register for this free program HERE! Even if you have no items to be appraised, join us virtually to learn what determines value in an item, and see what some items are appraised for! *Registration for item appraisals has filled, however feel free...
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